Tuesday, September 7, 2010

WooHoo Fall!

This weekend was the start of my fav time of year- FALL!!!! If you know me, then you know how much I truely adore the fall! The weather, the clothes, and lets not forget the FOOTBALL! Saturday was the start of the most wonderful time of the year- college football season. If you are looking for me through these next few months, you will prob find me in front of a tv watching some game. This weekend my dear friend Amanda took me to the Samford/FSU game in Tally. We had so much fun!

This is during the half- this isn't the best pic but the only one where you can't see sweat dripping off of our faces! But lets not forget to mention the best team- University of Georgia! They won and their new freshman quarterback looked so comfortable out there! The really test comes this upcoming weekend with South Carolina- that should be a tough one!


I hope everyone had a fantastic Labor Day! Have a great Tuesday...Cheers :)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


So, as I was eating dinner in a restaurant the other evening, a young fellow walked in. I smiled at him, like I usually do when I look at people, and then noticed that he had trouble walking. He was handicapped. Throughout my days, I love to people watch. When I see folks with problems I always get really upset and sad. Let's all take some time today to think and be thankful for all the blessings in our lives. This world is full of such selfish and self-centered people. If everyone were just a little more caring and loving, we may make this ole world just a little better.

On another note, my trip to Texas was awesome! Joey and I left so early in the morning but we stayed on schedule! We went to Cafe Du Monde in NOLA which was amazing, then to the Astros- Mets game...which was fabulous! The Mets ended up losing but its ok, David Wright played well! We ended up going to Austin on Thursday night (really Friday morning really early) and surprising Kelly! I had so much fun and can't wait to travel back to visit! Pictures to come!

Today is one of my girl's, Miss Sophia's, 5th birthday. Little Miss Leah's birthday was last Wednesday and Will (one of my little boys) big day was the 19th of August. I forgot to mention them but Happy birthday to all of my little ones. I love them all :) Another birthday that I forgot to mention was to my dear friend Kelli; her birthday was last week. I love her and I hope she had a fabulous day! I am actually going to lunch with her this afternoon- so I am excited to see her!

Have a great Wednesday everyone! Cheers :)