Even though the book that I will be holding is a text book.
Happy weekend y'all! Only a few more days till a 3 day weekend! Yippie!
I'm not sure why I am so tired lately, but I am. I am sitting here in my bed at the time of oh 8:39 pm and I am about to fall asleep. I have already taken a shower, washed my face and everything and now I am just about ready to hit the sack. Wow. Hmm...anyway, this weekend we had a fishing tournament which we placed 16th in. We seriously placed with an 11lb fish....craziness.
May I just say that I am watching Real Housewives of Orange County and may I just say that I am so glad that I was raised better than that. Oh.my..lanta. I can't even begin to tell you how crazy these women are. I pray that they learn how to get their lives back together. Why can't people just get along?!
I hope everyone had a great Tuesday and y'all have a great Wednesday! Only 3 more days of this week! Yay!
Today we had a class at work (we have had these a lot lately) and it was entitled (something along the lines of...) "Excellence Customer Service." There were several things that I, personally, took away from this class that EVERYONE can do EVERYDAY no matter if you work for a HUGE corporation or if you are a student or a stay at home mom.
1. Smile with someone. Look them in the eyes and smile.
2. It's not always what you say, its how you say it.
3. YOU ARE AMAZING. State this daily....you will eventually start to believe it if you don't already.
4. Have a daily affirmation(s) and say it(them) daily.
So....I know these things aren't anything new and exciting but just remember these things and maybe just maybe they will make things in your world better. Be someone's ray of sunshine!
This weekend, our family and friends are headed to our first fishing tournament of the year! We have a nice place on the water to stay and can't wait to sit on the porch and just relax the whole weekend!
I hope y'all have a happy Friday!
This evening I have been busy as a little bee! We went to the grocery, which is always an interesting time! Then ate dinner, aka a Publix sub, then went on a couple of mile bike ride, now watching the Braves/Mets game, doing laundry and cleaning. This series always brings about mixed feelings for me. I love the Braves and they have ALWAYS been my team, but I do have a soft spot in my heart for the New York Mets. I love the city and had such a fun time a few years ago! I also have a love for Mr. David Wright! Love him! Anywhoooo, the next few weeks are busy, busy as well! Oh yea, and I am nursing a bad sunburn on my backside....YUCKIE.
Lately, there has been a lot on my mind. Last week I heard some pretty disappointing news from school. Once something gets on my mind, everything that could possibly go wrong, gets on my mind, whether or not something is wrong. I have been praying a lot about this and I have no begun just letting God have control and not fretting so much on the little things. This is very hard for me ESPECIALLY because I am one who has to have everything the way she wants it. Life just isn't that way all the time. Everything happens for a reason, it truely does.
Today, I got to speak with one of my dear, sweet littles, Ansley. She is all the way in Germany studying abroad and I miss her oh so much. But she will be back very soon! Her pictures say that she is having soo much fun!! Can not wait to have her back in the States.
This was a little random, and I really didn't have too much to say, but I hope everyone has a great Monday! Don't forget to.........