Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Thoughts on Tuesday

So, here are a few of my thoughts for the day...

.....its sad when you and your old friends grow apart- especially when you used to be so close- and they ignore your phone calls

.....when all you want to do is go home- the days seem to grow longer

.....how much I really look up to one of my friends for being so selfless, that she donated a kidney to someone that she knew who needed it- I wish I could be as giving as her

.....when you want something to happen- it most of time, doesn't happen

.....I can't wait to see David Wright on Thursday!

.....I feel guilty for going to Texas- leaving my Mom and Dad behind for a few days

.....I really love the summer, but I really, really can't wait till Fall!

Those are just a few of my thoughts today. Have a fantastic rest of your day! Cheers y'all!

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