Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thoughts on a Tuesday

How I love the fall.....

"Growing up Southern is a privilege, really. It's more than where you're born, it's an idea and state of mind that seems imparted at birth. It's more than loving fried chicken, sweet tea, football, and country music. it's being hospitable, devoted to front porches, magnolias, moon pies and coca-cola... and each other. We don't become Southern - we're born that way."

" A southern girl is a girl who knows full and well that she can open a door for herself but prefers for the gentleman to do it because it demonstrates a sense of respect. After all, every girl wants to be treated like a princess. We know how to make sweet tea and grits while telling you everything about any football team in the SEC. We pick our battles and fight with the heart of a pit bull while still maintaining grace and elegance. Our mystique is that of a soft-spoken, mild-mannered southern bell who could direct an army, loves her momma and will always be daddy's little girl."

"Southern girls are God's gift to the entire male population. There is absolutely no woman finer than one raised below the Mason-Dixon line. And once you go southern, may the good Lord help you, you never go back."
- Kenny Chesney

Today, I will chose to make today better than yesterday!

In the words of Sara Bareilles....

"You've got opinions,
we're all entitled to them,
but I never asked...

Who cares if you disagree? You are not me,
Who made you king of anything
So, you dare tell me who to be
Who died and made you king of anything?

I'm not the one who's lost
With no direction, oh
But you'll never see"

Happy Tuesday! Hope everyone has a great day!! :) Oh and the candle wax came out of all of my clothes...I took a paper bag and put it in between my clothes and an iron and the wax came right out! Thanks Andrea for the great idea!!

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