Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Day woohooo

So, tomorrow as we celebrate not having work and being able to sleep in and lay by the poor go to the beach, we also should keep in mind the importance of tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the day that have put aside to remember those have fought for our wonderful country. Those who have served and paid the ultimate sacrifice. So please, as you are having fun with your loved ones or you are relaxing, please remember those who have served and those who are currently serving and across seas defending the freedom that we sometimes take for granted.

So, this weekend was completely relaxing...well besides a huge test I had to take yesterday morning. I shopped and did some more shopping...excpet I didn't really buy anything. I know....hard to believe. Shelley was in town which, of course I enjoyed. I have gotten to sleep in the past 2 mornings....and tomorrow I plan to do the same thing....and then LAY BY THE POOL! YES. Thank goodness that Aunt Erin and Uncle Ivey are back and are being oh so gracious enough to have us over for a pool day!

Oh how I wish that I was in Atlanta this weekend for the Braves/Reds series. It looked like everyone up there was having so much fun up there....super jeal.

Oh yea, thats right....they won tonight! Oh yea.

Anyway, room is a complete wreck not to mention the amount of laundry I have to do before tomorrow....which might I add....I have no desire to do....weird...I know. I am always so up for cleaning and organizing and having everything in order, but as of late, I have had NO desire to clean or do laundry. I think its very strange, but here I go rambling again....sorry! I hope y'all have a great night!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Whoa...its been a while....

Hello there! I apologize for my lack of blogging as of late. I have been incredibly busy and haven't had time to sit down and blog. Nothing too exciting has been happening- I have been traveling to North Carolina to visit Shel and other friends up there. I have also been trying to wrap my head around all the changes at my place of employment. I am also having to take a pretty intense test this Saturday...I know...a test on a Saturday....not my idea of fun for sure.

Here is the random story of the evening....while Shel and I were traveling to get a milkshake at a little place called Cookout this weekend, we almost hit a Black Bear on the way back to her house. No. This is NOT a joke. We almost hit a big black bear. I know, I know- it sounds unreal but it happened for reals. We then googled it and we discovered that its actually good luck if a black bear walks in front of you- unlike a black cat. I love my time with Shelley!

I have been debating as of late on getting my hair cut with some layers in it since we are now approaching the summer season. I am, however nervous about the endeavour but I think I have decided to just bite the bullet and do it. It is really long but I kind of want it a bit shorter (I mean we aren't going to get drastic here...I pinky promise).

I have always been in love with being southern and living in the south and pretty much everything that we know down here in the south. I love it here. This weekend I went to Wilmington, NC where I just had a blast. I love it there- it just such a cute southern town! They even have a Lilly store :) which just made my day. OH YEA....and I forgot to mention that I, got 2 Lilly's a couple of weekends ago. TWO!!! Ahh they are the cutest things and I adore them! Thank you Mumsey and Popsicle.

Anywho, I hope everyone has a great rest of this week. I will for sure blog this weekend after this wonderful test of mine. Please keep me in your prayers while I take this test. Also, please keep one of my dearest most bestest friends in your prayers....her Nana isn't doing well and she will traveling here tomorrow after work.

Monday, May 9, 2011

My new ride!

No, I did not get rid of my wonderful car....who may I add got a bath tonight! I got one of these...

Now, it is not exactly like this one....mine if Tiffany blue with white fenders and will be wearing a nice little basket on the front pretty soon! I am so pumped about my wonderful bike and I can't wait to ride it around.

That is all for now....I am off to do some laundry! Good night y'all!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


So, this afternoon I feel as though I got a whole bunch accomplished! I absolutely love that feeling! I scheduled the test that I wasn't supposed to have to take but now I have to....let's not get into that ....I have to take it on May 28th- go ahead and look at your calendar....that's's a SATURDAY! Meh. I balanced my checkbook, I went through and cleaned out my wallet and my email and now I may go ahead and start on my laundry. oh yea and I finished getting my insurance stuff set up. Wow. I've been busy.

Well, this weekend was absolutely fantastic! I just loved seeing and spending time with Shell and just relaxing all weekend. I got saluted driving onto base....I know that doesn't sound like a huge deal but it was soo cool! I also got to meet some pretty great people! I will hopefully be going back there soon!

Several people have asked me over the past couple of days what I think about Bin Laden being captured and killed. I just want to say, that I will not be discussing this after these next few sentences. I am very proud of our country and the service men and women who have out their lives on the line and some who have sacrificed their lives for our country. I am very disheartened and just flat out disgusted to see Obama getting all the credit for "killing" Bin Laden. Obama just a few short months ago was trying to take away the pay from our military men, women, and families and now he is praising them. Does he not remember that he recently was going to dock or even take away pay from our Military? And another thing I don't get- his job approval rating went up to 67%. I think that our country is just totally off their rockers. I think the President may be bipolar- honestly. I don't understand. I am glad that our country has been victorious- but we need not be naive.

Anywho, I have to start studying now-'s been a while since I said that! I hope that everyone has a great night!