So, tomorrow as we celebrate not having work and being able to sleep in and lay by the poor go to the beach, we also should keep in mind the importance of tomorrow.
Tomorrow is the day that have put aside to remember those have fought for our wonderful country. Those who have served and paid the ultimate sacrifice. So please, as you are having fun with your loved ones or you are relaxing, please remember those who have served and those who are currently serving and across seas defending the freedom that we sometimes take for granted.
So, this weekend was completely relaxing...well besides a huge test I had to take yesterday morning. I shopped and did some more shopping...excpet I didn't really buy anything. I know....hard to believe. Shelley was in town which, of course I enjoyed. I have gotten to sleep in the past 2 mornings....and tomorrow I plan to do the same thing....and then LAY BY THE POOL! YES. Thank goodness that Aunt Erin and Uncle Ivey are back and are being oh so gracious enough to have us over for a pool day!
Oh how I wish that I was in Atlanta this weekend for the Braves/Reds series. It looked like everyone up there was having so much fun up there....super jeal.
Oh yea, thats right....they won tonight! Oh yea.
Anyway, room is a complete wreck not to mention the amount of laundry I have to do before tomorrow....which might I add....I have no desire to do....weird...I know. I am always so up for cleaning and organizing and having everything in order, but as of late, I have had NO desire to clean or do laundry. I think its very strange, but here I go rambling again....sorry! I hope y'all have a great night!

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