Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Whoa...its been a while....

Hello there! I apologize for my lack of blogging as of late. I have been incredibly busy and haven't had time to sit down and blog. Nothing too exciting has been happening- I have been traveling to North Carolina to visit Shel and other friends up there. I have also been trying to wrap my head around all the changes at my place of employment. I am also having to take a pretty intense test this Saturday...I know...a test on a Saturday....not my idea of fun for sure.

Here is the random story of the evening....while Shel and I were traveling to get a milkshake at a little place called Cookout this weekend, we almost hit a Black Bear on the way back to her house. No. This is NOT a joke. We almost hit a big black bear. I know, I know- it sounds unreal but it happened for reals. We then googled it and we discovered that its actually good luck if a black bear walks in front of you- unlike a black cat. I love my time with Shelley!

I have been debating as of late on getting my hair cut with some layers in it since we are now approaching the summer season. I am, however nervous about the endeavour but I think I have decided to just bite the bullet and do it. It is really long but I kind of want it a bit shorter (I mean we aren't going to get drastic here...I pinky promise).

I have always been in love with being southern and living in the south and pretty much everything that we know down here in the south. I love it here. This weekend I went to Wilmington, NC where I just had a blast. I love it there- it just such a cute southern town! They even have a Lilly store :) which just made my day. OH YEA....and I forgot to mention that I, got 2 Lilly's a couple of weekends ago. TWO!!! Ahh they are the cutest things and I adore them! Thank you Mumsey and Popsicle.

Anywho, I hope everyone has a great rest of this week. I will for sure blog this weekend after this wonderful test of mine. Please keep me in your prayers while I take this test. Also, please keep one of my dearest most bestest friends in your prayers....her Nana isn't doing well and she will traveling here tomorrow after work.