Monday, January 16, 2012

Happy day off!

Today, I had the luxury of having the day off of work. Thank goodness for the stock market being closed. So happy! I didn't do much...I tried to do Zumba on the Wii, however the remotes decided they didn't want to work. Then I went to Chick-fil-A for lunch. LOVE Chick-fil-A. I then took my dry cleaning and now I am home doing laundry, cleaning out my car and now about to start on my homework before the Bachelor! Can.not.wait.

Lately, I have been contemplating getting a personal trainer, who just happens to be a friend of mine from college. She is such an awesome person and she is the only one whom I would trust with my training. I'm thinking this is a good decision and something that I could totally do. It's just going to take some commitment especially since its something that I will be doing 2 mornings a week. I have work at 8 and I just have to make sure I am not late for that. Thoughts, thoughts.

This past week I have been living without a credit/debit card. It has been difficult. You never realize how much you depend on something until you don't have the luxury of using it. Like today. I went to FiFi's today and found this cute coat and skirt and was only going to spend like $30. I had to pray I had enough cash on me so I could get them...something you don't have to do when you have your card. Thank goodness I did! I cannot wait to get my card, hopefully this week.

Anyway, my message for this week is to...

Cheers and go Everton! :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012


This weekend has been nothing but. I feel as though I got a lot done- including my laundry! do I sound like a bore! The weather here is totally doing a number on my sinuses....I can't stop coughing...and its driving me crazy!

This past week, I was asked to begin helping a Sunday morning bible class for kindergartner through 3rd grade. Let me just say how blessed our church is. These kids are just the funniest and smartest kids. I can't wait to see what these kids come up with! They just always have something to say or a story....and they are just the funniest! If you know me, you know how much I love really silly jokes, and I think this class is going to teach me a few!

Today in church, we were reminded about being a disciple and how we should show in everything that we do that we are a disciple of Christ. Let us all strive to do this throughout this year.

This week classes begin again....and all I have to say is this is going to be difficult to get back into.

Oh yea, and don't forget about The Bachelor tomorrow!!!! This season is going to be interesting to say the least....

Have a great week!!!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

No Sir

Whoa, its been a while. I am terribly sorry for the few months of nothing. I have been extremely busy. With classes, my best friend's wedding and working, I mean there has been no time for anything....barely have had time to rest my head! Happy New Year!!! It's been a great year so far!! I am so thankful that we have been blessed with another year! We had a great holiday season and also had a very relaxing new year, which I am thankful for!!

Today, it has been super duper cold and I just don't know how I am going to handle this 22 degree morning we are going to be having in the am but I will do my best! I am going to try and do a better job of writing throughout the week...actually put aside time to do it!!!

I recently became obsessed with Pinterest. I mean totally obsessed. I am on there all the time and keep finding fun things to do and make and really cute ideas!!! I can't wait to make them all :)

I want to start this year off by thanking all my friends and fam for being awesome and being so supportive through this crazy, busy time in my life. This has been so trying and difficult and I wouldn't have been able to keep up with everything if it weren't for God keeping me sane and my support system's encouragement.

I have a few things that I am adding to my want really bad list:

Chanel ballet flats...LOVE! Monogrammed gold

I'm thinking of keeping a list of the things that I want, and then as I get these items, I will just check them off! This is totally against my new year's resolution about being better with my money! BAHAH

Well, I am off to bed!! I'm exhaused as this is my first day back to work since...last Friday haha. I want to say Congrats to Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez!!! My best friend looked amazing and I couldn't be happier for them! They are amazing and I had such an amazing time with everyone back in Houston!