Monday, February 7, 2011

Super Bowl

The past few days have been exhausting! I have been catching up with friends I haven't been able to talk to the past few weeks, getting everything ready in my Dad's new office, scheduling a trip to Houston, and oh that's right a little football game called the SUPER BOWL! Although I didn't care about who won, I did however care about the commercials and the half-time show. Let's just say, the show didn't disappoint. I went over to my friends Mirch and Charles' place and got to watch it on this MASSIVE TV. We all thought The Black Eyed Peas, Slash and of course Usher were awesome!!! Plus, being with old friends was fun too!!!

Sometimes I just get so busy where I forget to have fun! So my goal over the next few weeks is have fun!!! I have a lot of fun things coming up....Ali and Mat coming into town and their visit, going to Houston to visit Kel and go to the Rodeo!!! I am so excited!!!!

Also, I wanted to give props to the teen group at church. They have been working on bulletin boards for the Lads to Leaders competition. They are just fantastic! I know how much hard work has gone into them and I just wanted to say that they look awesome!

Please continue to keep my friend and her fam in your prayers. They are still going through a tough time.

Well, I am going to do some laundry and watch some TV. I hope everyone has had a great Monday! Loves!

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